
Done in a Day: The Backpack Project

Saturday, February 25, 2023
Main article image for story titled 'Done in a Day: The Backpack Project'What a fun time for a worthy cause! Over a dozen of our club members and friends spent Saturday morning making scarves for The Backpack Project.  Ryan Gustis, a sophomore at DGN, spoke to our club on June 28 last year.  Ryan continues to wow us with his service above self, this time letting us in on the joy of helping others.

We made over 200 scarves, one of the costlier items in the backpacks he delivers to the homeless.  Thanks to member Shanon Tully, we had a perfect space to work in the Platinum Partners conference room located above Emmett's.  
 The Backpack Project (#PackTheKindness) is a nonprofit organization working to fight against homelessness.  It was started by Ryan Gustis, when he was about 10 years old after visiting the Macy's Christmas windows when he could not turn his back on the homeless people he saw on the streets.  He talked to them, learned their stories and was compelled to help in someway.  The Backpack project was born with 10 backpacks delivered that first year full of supplies.  This year's goal is 675 backpacks!  Ryan and the entire organization are working for a world where dignity and kindness are hand-delivered in the form of a backpack full of supplies.

Thank you all who helped make the day special!

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